Exhibition Form FOR LOCAL Plan (Nigeria) Names: * Company Address: * Company Name: * Company Email: * Contact Number: * Nature of Business: * Plan * Choose a preferred Plan3 x 3 sq meter (N1,500,000)3 x 6 sq meter (N2,900,000)3 x 9 sq meter (N4,400,000)3 x 12 sq meter (N5,800,000)Brochure Advert Inside Page (N500,000)Brochure Advert Half Page (N350,000)Brochure Advert Outside Back Cover (N700,000)Brochure Advert Inside Front Cover (N600,000)Brochure Advert Inside Back Cover (N550,000)Conference Participation (N180,000)Corporate Presentation (5 mins) (N2,000,000)Corporate Presentation (10 mins) (N3,500,000) Method of Payment: * Choose a preferred methodCashBank TransferCheque Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. FOR INTERNATIONAL Plan (International) Names: * Company Address: * Company Name: * Company Email: * Contact Number: * Nature of Business: * Plan (Note: $140 Per 1 sqm) * Choose a preferred Plan3 x 3 sq meter3 x 6 sq meter3 x 9 sq meter3 x 12 sq meterBrochure Advert Inside Page ($310)Brochure Advert Half Page ($215)Brochure Advert Outside Back Cover ($430)Brochure Advert Inside Front Cover ($370)Brochure Advert Inside Back Cover ($340)Conference Participation ($150)Corporate Presentation (5 mins) ($1,240)Corporate Presentation (10 mins) ($2,174) Method of Payment: * Choose a preferred methodCashBank TransferCheque Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.