Africa International Housing Show 24th - 27th July, 2023 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTRE ABUJA Plan (International) Names: * Company Address: * Company Name: * Company Email: * Contact Number: * Nature of Business: * Plan (Note: $160 Per 1 sqm) * Choose a preferred Plan3 x 3 sq meter3 x 6 sq meter3 x 9 sq meter3 x 12 sq meterBrochure Advert Inside Page ($310)Brochure Advert Half Page ($215)Brochure Advert Outside Back Cover ($430)Brochure Advert Inside Front Cover ($370)Brochure Advert Inside Back Cover ($340)Conference Participation ($185)Corporate Presentation (5 mins) ($1,240)Corporate Presentation (10 mins) ($2,174) Method of Payment: * Choose a preferred methodCashBank TransferCheque Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.